🎁 laserfun package

laserfun.nlse module

Functions related to propagation of pulses according to the NLSE.

laserfun.nlse.NLSE(pulse, fiber, nsaves=200, atol=0.0001, rtol=0.0001, reload_fiber=False, raman=False, shock=True, integrator='lsoda', print_status=True)

Propagate an laser pulse through a fiber according to the NLSE.

This function propagates an optical input field (often a laser pulse) through a nonlinear material using the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation, which takes into account dispersion and nonlinearity. It is a “one dimensional” calculation, in that it doesn’t capture things like self focusing and other geometric effects. It’s most appropriate for analyzing light propagating through optical fibers.

This code is based on the Matlab code found at www.scgbook.info, which is based on Eqs. (3.13), (3.16) and (3.17) of the book “Supercontinuum Generation in Optical Fibers” Edited by J. M. Dudley and J. R. Taylor (Cambridge 2010). The original Matlab code was written by J.C. Travers, M.H. Frosz and J.M. Dudley (2009). They ask that you cite the book in publications using their code.

  • pulse (pulse object) – This is the input pulse.

  • fiber (fiber object) – This defines the media (“fiber”) through which the pulse propagates.

  • nsaves (int) – The number of equidistant grid points along the fiber to return the field. Note that the integrator usually takes finer steps than this, the nsaves parameters simply determines what is returned by this function.

  • atol (float) – Absolute tolerance for the integrator. Smaller values produce more accurate results but require longer integration times. 1e-4 works well.

  • rtol (float) – Relative tolerance for the integrator. 1e-4 work well.

  • reload_fiber (boolean) – This determines if the fiber information is reloaded at each step. This should be set to True if the fiber properties (gamma, dispersion) vary as a function of length.

  • raman (boolean) – Determines if the Raman effect will be included. Default is False.

  • shock (boolean) – Determines if the self-steepening (shock) term will be taken into account. This is especially important for situations where the slowly varying envelope approximation starts to break down, which can occur for large bandwidths (short pulses).

  • integrator (string) – Selects the integrator that will be passes to scipy.integrate.ode. options are ‘lsoda’ (default), ‘vode’, ‘dopri5’, ‘dopri853’. ‘lsoda’ is a good option, and seemed fastest in early tests. I think ‘dopri5’ and ‘dopri853’ are simpler Runge-Kutta methods, and they seem to take longer for the same result. ‘vode’ didn’t seem to produce good results with “method=’adams’”, but things werereasonable with “method=’bdf’” For more information, see: docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.ode.html

  • print_status (boolean) – This determines if the propagation status will be printed. Default is True.


results – This object contains all of the results. Use z, f, t, AW, AT = results.get_results() to unpack the z-coordinates, frequency grid, time grid, amplitude at each z-position in the freuqency domain, and amplitude at each z-position in the time domain.

Return type:

PulseData object

class laserfun.nlse.PulseData(z, AW, AT, pulse_in, pulse_out, fiber)

Bases: object

Process data from a pulse propagation.

The following list of parameters is the attributes of the class.

  • z (array of length n) – The z-values corresponding the the propagation.

  • f_THz (array of length m) – The values of the frequency grid in THz.

  • t_ps (array of length m) – The values of time grid in ps

  • AT (2D array) – The complex amplitude of the electric field in the time domain at each position in z.

  • AW (2D array) – The complex amplitude of the electric field in the freq. domain at each position in z.

  • pulse_in (pulse object) – The input pulse object.

  • pulse_out (pulse object) – The output pulse object.

  • fiber (fiber object) – The fiber object that the pulse was propagated through.

calc_coherence(pulse_in, fiber, num_trials=5, n_steps=100, random_seed=None, noise_type='one_photon_freq', **nlse_kwargs)

This function runs several nlse simulations (given by num_trials), each time adding random noise to the pulse. By comparing the electric fields of the different pulses, an estimate of the coherence can be made.

  • pulse_in (pulse object) –

  • num_trials (int) – this determines the number of trials to be run.

  • random_seed (int) – this is the seed for the random noise generation. Default is None, which does not set a seed for the random number generator, which means that the numbers will be completely randomized. Setting the seed to a number (i.e., random_seed=0) will still generate random numbers for each trial, but the results from calculate_coherence will be completely repeatable.

  • noise_type (str) – this specifies the method for including random noise onto the pulse. See pynlo.light.PulseBase.Pulse.add_noise() for the different methods.


  • g12W (2D numpy array) – This 2D array gives the g12 parameter as a function of propagation distance and the frequency. g12 gives a measure of the coherence of the pulse by comparing several different trials.

  • results (list of results for each trial) – This is a list, where each item of the list contains (z_positions, AW, AT, pulse_out), the results obtained from pynlo.interactions.FourWaveMixing.SSFM.propagate().

get_results(data_type='amplitude', rep_rate=1)

Get the frequency domain (AW) and time domain (AT) results of the NLSE propagation. Also provides the length (z), frequnecy (f), and time (t) arrays.

'amplitude' - Native units for the NLSE, AT and AW are sqrt(W). Does NOT consider the rep-rate.

'intensity' - Absolute value of amplitude squared. These units make some sense for AT, since they are J/sec, so integrating over the pulse works as expected. Units for AW are J*Hz, so be careful when integrating. Does NOT consider rep-rate.

'mW/bin' - AW and AT are in mW per bin, so naive summing provides average power (in mW). Rep-rate taken into account.

'mW/THz' - returns AW in units of mW/THz and AT in mW/ps. Rep-rate taken into account.

'dBm/THz' - returns AW in units of mW/THz and AT in dBm/ps. Rep-rate taken into account.

'mW/nm' - returns AW in units of mW/nm and AT in mW/ps. Rep-rate taken into account.

'dBm/nm' - returns AW in units of dBm/nm and AT in dBm/ps. Rep-rate taken into account.

In the above, dBm is 10*log10(mW).

Note that, for the “per nm” situations, AW is still returned on a grid of even frequencies, so the uneven wavelength spacing should be taken into account when integrating. Use get_results_wavelength to re-interpolate to an evenly spaced wavelength grid.

In order to get per-pulse numbers for all methods, simple set the rep- rate to 1.

  • data_type ('string') – Determines the units for the returned AW and AT arrays.

  • rep_rate (float) – The repetition rate of the pulses for calculation of average power units. Does not affect the “amplitude” or “intensity” calculations, but scales all other calculations.


  • z (1D numpy array of length nsaves) – Array of the z-coordinate along fiber, units of meters.

  • f_THz (1D numpy array of length n.) – The frequency grid (not angular freq) in THz.

  • t_ps (1D numpy array of length n) – The temporal grid in ps.

  • AW (2D numpy array, with dimensions nsaves x n) – The complex amplitide of the frequency domain field at every step.

  • AT (2D numpy array, with dimensions nsaves x n) – The complex amplitude of the time domain field at every step.

get_results_wavelength(wmin=None, wmax=None, wn=None, data_type='intensity', rep_rate=1)

Get results on a wavelength grid.

Re-interpolates the AW array from evenly-spaced frequencies to evenly-spaced wavelengths.

  • wmin (float or None) – the minimum wavelength for the re-interpolation grid. If None, it defaults to 0.25x the center wavelength of the pulse. If a float, this is the minimum wavelength of the pulse in nm

  • wmax (float or None) – the minimum wavelength for the re-interpolation grid. If None, it defaults to 4x the center wavelength of the pulse. If a float, this is the maximum wavelength of the pulse in nm

  • wn (int or None) – number of wavelengths for the re-interpolation grid. If None, it defaults to the number of points in AW multiplied by 2 If an int, then this is just the number of points.

  • data_type ('string') – Determines the units for the AW and AT arrays. See the documentation for the get_results function for more information. Note that data_type='amplitude' is supported but not recommended because interpolation on the rapidly varying grid of complex values can lead to inconsistent results.

  • rep_rate (float) – The repetition rate of the pulses for calculation of average power units. Does not affect the “amplitude” or “intensity” calculations, but scales all other calculations.


  • z (1D numpy array of length nsaves) – Array of the z-coordinate along fiber.

  • wls (1D numpy array of length n.) – The wavelength grid.

  • t (1D numpy array of length n) – The temporal grid.

  • AW_WLS (2D numpy array, with dimensions nsaves x n) – The complex amplitide of the frequency domain field at every step.

  • AT (2D numpy array, with dimensions nsaves x n) – The complex amplitude of the time domain field at every step.

plot(flim=30, tlim=50, margin=0.2, wavelength=False, show=True, units='intensity', rep_rate=100000000.0)

Plot the results in both the time and frequency domain.

  • flim (float or array of length 2) – This sets the xlimits of the frequency domain plot. If this is a single number, it defines the dB level at which the plot will be set (with a margin). If an array of two values, this manually sets the xlims.

  • tlim (float or array of length 2) – Same as flim, but for the time domain.

  • margin (float) – Fraction to pad the xlimits. Default is 0.2.

  • wavelength (boolean) – Determines if the “frequency” domain will be displayed in Frequency (THz) or wavelength (nm).

  • show (boolean) – determines if plt.show() will be called to show the plot

  • units (string) – Units for the frequency-domain plots. For example, dBm/THz mW/THz. See the documentation for the data_type keyword argument for the get_results method for more information.

  • rep_rate (float) – The repetition rate of the pule train in Hz. This is used to calculate the average powers when using units other than “intensity”.


  • fig (matplotlib.figure object) – The figure object so that modifications can be made.

  • axs (an 2x2 array of axes objects) – The axes objects, so that modifications can be made. For example: axs[0, 1].set_xlim(0, 1000)


laserfun.pulse module

Tools for working with laser pulses.

laserfun.pulse.FFT_t(A, ax=0)

Do a FFT with fft-shifting.

laserfun.pulse.IFFT_t(A, ax=0)

Do an iFFT with fft-shifting.

class laserfun.pulse.Pulse(pulse_type='sech', center_wavelength_nm=1550, fwhm_ps=0.2, time_window_ps=10.0, power=1, epp=None, npts=4096, power_is_avg=False, frep_MHz=100, GDD=0, TOD=0, FOD=0)

Bases: object

Generate a new pulse object based on a pre-defined pulse shapes.

Customized pulses can be generated by calling this function and then manually setting the time- or frequency domain pulse-profile using pulse.at or pulse.aw.

Note that the pulse object is intrinsically a single laser pulse, and the time and frequency domain electric fields refer to the single pulse, not the average power of the laser at some repetition rate. The ` power_is_avg` and frep_MHz values are used only to set the electric field during the generation of the pulse and are not stored in the pulse object.

  • pulse_type (string) –

    The shape of the pulse in the time domain. Options are:

    • sech, which produces a hyperbolic secant (sech) shaped pulse A(t) = sqrt(power) * sech(t/T0), where T0=fwhm/1.76

    • gaussian, which produces a Gaussian shaped pulse A(t) = sqrt(power) * exp(-(t/T0)^2/2), where T0=fwhm/1.76

    • sinc, which uses a sin(x)/x (sinc) function A(t) = sqrt(power) * sin(t/T0)/(t/T0), were T0=fwhm/3.79

  • center_wavelength_nm (float) – The center wavelength of the pulse in nm.

  • fwhm_ps (float) – The full-width-at-half-maximum of the pulse in picoseconds.

  • time_window_ps (float) – The time window in picoseconds. This is the full-width of the time window, so the times will go from -time_window_ps * 0.5 to + time_window_ps * 0.5.

  • power (float) – this is either the peak power of the pulse or the average power of the pulse-train, depending on power_is_avg. In both cases the units are in watts.

  • epp (float or None) – the energy-per-pulse in Joules. If this is not None (the default), then this overrides the power argument to set the pulse energy.

  • npts (int) – the number of points in the time and frequency grids. Using powers of 2 might be beneficial for the efficiency of the FFTs in the NLSE algorithm. 2**12 is a good starting point.

  • power_is_avg (boolean) – determines if the power is peak power or average power. Note that this value is only used for calculating the initial pulse amplitude and is not saved as an intrinsic characteristic of the pulse object.

  • frep_MHz (float) – the repetition rate in MHz. Used for setting the peak power of the pulse to match the average power of the pulse train. Similar to power_is_avg, the rep rate is not saved as part of the pulse class.

  • GDD (float) – the group-delay-dispersion (in ps^2) to apply to the pulse.

  • TOD (float) – the third-order dispersion (in ps^3) to apply to the pulse.

  • FOD (float) – the fourth-order dispersion (in ps^3) to apply to the pulse.


Add random intensity and phase noise to a pulse.


noise_type (string) –

The method used to add noise. The options are:

  • sqrt_N_freq : adds noise to each bin in the frequency domain. The average noise added is proportional to sqrt(N), and where N is the number of photons in that frequency bin.

  • one_photon_freq` : which adds one photon of noise to each frequency bin.

property at

Amplitude of the time-domain electric field (complex).

Units are sqrt(W), which can be considered sqrt(J)/sqrt(s), so units of energy per time bin when the absolute value is squared.

property aw

Set/get the complex amplitude of the pulse in the frequency domain.

Corresponds to the frequencies in the pulse.aw array. Note that this is the complex amplitude and that the intensity is the square of the absolute value.

The units are sqrt(W) or sqrt(J)*sqrt(Hz), so abs(aw)^2 * deltaF will provide J/bin. (90% sure this comment about units is correct.)


Calculate the pulse width.

For example, the full-width-at-half-maxmimum (FWHM) or the 1/e width. If the pulse has multiple crossings (for example, if it reaches the 0.5 level multiple times) the widest extent will be returned.


level (float) – the fraction of the peak to calculate the width. Must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.5, which provides the FWHM. 1/e = 0.367879 1/e^2 = 0.135335


width – the width of the pulse in picoseconds.

Return type:


property center_wavelength_nm

Set/get the center wavelength of the grid in units of nanometers.

property centerfrequency_THz

Set/get The center frequency (float) of the pulse in THz.

chirp_pulse_W(GDD, TOD=0, FOD=0.0, w0_THz=None)

Alter the phase of the pulse.

Apply the dispersion coefficients \(\beta_2, \beta_3, \beta_4\) expanded around frequency \(\omega_0\).

  • GDD (float) – Group delay dispersion (\(\beta_2\)) [ps^2]

  • TOD (float, optional) – Group delay dispersion (\(\beta_3\)) [ps^3], defaults to 0.

  • FOD (float, optional) – Group delay dispersion (\(\beta_4\)) [ps^4], defaults to 0.

  • w0_THz (float, optional) – Center freq. of dispersion expansion, defaults to grid center freq.


The convention used for dispersion is

\[E_{new} (\omega) = \exp\left(i \left( \frac{1}{2} GDD\, \omega^2 + \frac{1}{6}\, TOD \omega^3 + \frac{1}{24} FOD\, \omega^4 \right)\right) E(\omega)\]

Copy all parameters of pulse_instance into this one.


Create and return new pulse instance identical to this instance.

property df_THz

Frequency grid spacing in THz.

property dt_ps

Return time grid spacing in ps.

property epp

Energy per pulse in Joules.

property f_THz

Get the absolute frequency grid in THz.

property npts

Set/get Number of points (int) in the time (and frequency) grid.

psd(units='W', rep_rate=1)

Return the power spectral density (PSD) in various units. Set the rep_rate to 1 to get “per pulse” units. Otherwise, the rep-rate will be used to scale the per-pulse numbers to average power units. By default, the rep-rate of the pulse object is used.

Unit options are:

'mW', mW for each data point. (Not actually PSD units.) 'mW/THz', mW per THz. 'dBm/THz', 10*log10(mW) per THz. 'mW/nm', mW per nanometer. 'dBm/nm', 10*log10(mW) per nanometer.

Note that for the “per nanometer” units, the data is still delivered on a grid that is evenly spaced in frequency, not wavelength. So, if integrating the PSD, it is necessary to take into account the changing size of the wavelength bins to recover the correct value for the average power. The psd_wavelength function provides both the evenly spaced wavelength grid and the y-axis unit conversion.

  • units (str) – Determines the units of the intensity of power-spectral-density. See above for options.

  • rep_rate (float) – Determines the repetition rate (in Hz) used to calculate the PSD. Set to 1 to get per-pulse PSD. If None, then the rep-rate for the pulse object will be used. Note that the rep-rate provided to this function doesn’t change the rep-rate of the pulse object, it is merely used for the PSD calculation.


psd – numpy array of power spectral densities corresponding to pulse.aw.

Return type:


psd_wavelength(wl_min=500, wl_max=2500, wl_step=0.2)

– Not yet implemented – evenly spaced wavelength and intensity in various units

property t_ps

Get the temporal grid in ps.

property time_window_ps

Set/get the time window of the time grid in picoseconds (float).


“Return a transform-limited pulse (flat spectral phase).

property v_THz

Get the relative angular frequency grid in THz.

property w0_THz

Get the center angular frequency (THz).

property w_THz

Get the absolute angular frequency grid (THz).

property wavelength_nm

Wavelength grid in nanometers.

laserfun.fiber module

Contains classes and functions for working with fibers.

class laserfun.fiber.Fiber(length=0.1, center_wl_nm=1550, dispersion_format='GVD', dispersion=[0], gamma_W_m=0, loss_dB_per_m=0)

Bases: object

A class that contains the information about a fiber.

get_B(pulse, z=0)

Get the propagation constant (Beta) at the frequency grid of pulse.

Here, B refers to the propagation constant, in units of 1/meters, and not to the Beta2 parameter. Also, these are relative B values, in that they are set to zero at the pulse central frequency. Referring to these values as “integrated dispersion” might be appropriate.

Three different methods are used,

If fiberspecs[“dispersion_format”] == “D”, then the DTabulationToBetas function is used to fit the datapoints in terms of the Beta2, Beta3, etc. coefficients expanded around the pulse central frequency.

If fiberspecs[“dispersion_format”] == “GVD”, then the betas are calculated as a Taylor expansion using the Beta2, Beta3, etc. coefficients around the fiber central frequency.

If fiberspecs[“dispersion_format”] == “n”, then the betas are calculated directly from the effective refractive index (n_eff) as beta = n_eff * 2 * pi / lambda, where lambda is the wavelength of the light. In this case, self._x should be the wavelength (in nm) and self._y should be n_eff (unitless).

  • pulse (pulse object) – the pulse object must be supplied to define the frequency grid.

  • z (float) – the postion along the length of the fiber. The units of this must match the units expected by the functions provided to set_dispersion_function() and set_gamma_function(). Just use meters!


B – the propagation constant (beta) at the frequency gridpoints of the supplied pulse (units of 1/meters).

Return type:

1D array of floats


Query alpha (loss per meter) at a specific z-position.


z (float) – the position along the fiber (in meters)


alpha – the loss (in units of 1/Watts)

Return type:



Query gamma (effective nonlinearity) at a specific z-position.


z (float) – the position along the fiber (in meters)


gamma – the effective nonlinearity (in units of 1/(Watts * meters))

Return type:



Set alpha (loss) function that varies with z.

Gamma should be in units of 1/(W m), NOT 1/(W km)


alpha_function (function) – a function returning gamma as a function of z. z should be in units of meters.

set_dispersion_function(dispersion_function, dispersion_format='GVD')

Set dispersion to function that varies as a function of z.

The function can either provide beta2, beta3, beta4, etc. coefficients, or provide two arrays, wavelength (nm) and D (ps/nm/km).

  • dispersion_function (function) – A function returning D or Beta coefficients as a function of z. z should be in meters.

  • dispersion_format ('GVD' or 'D' or 'n') – determines if the dispersion will be in terms of Beta coefficients (GVD, in units of ps^2/m, not ps^2/km), D (ps/nm/km), or n (effective refractive index)


Set gamma to a function that varies as a function of z.

The function should return gamma (the effective nonlinearity) in units of 1/(Watts * meters)) that can vary as a function of z, the length along the fiber.


gamma_function (function) – a function returning gamma as a function of z. z should be in units of meters.